Misbah Zaidi
3 min readApr 10, 2021



I want to create diamonds out of stones rolling in the street.To create such diamonds I need a place where true diamonds can show their bright colours.It is the need of an hour provide a place to street talent where these rolling stones can be turned into bright shining diamonds.


Following are the factors due to which our street talent are lacking.

· Self-awareness. This may be the most critical skill, you should know about your skill and talent.Because if you are unknown about your talent than how you get benefit from your talent.

· Communication. The ability to both speak and write clearly­.so you are understood, so you get your point ,is a critical skill, both in business and in life. Talk of messaging and storytelling is everywhere these days, and to be sure, both are vitally important, but if you can really capture someone’s imagination, you have taken communication to the next level.

· Trust. Nobody is ready to accept their talent and trust them. Nobody is here to realize them you are different from other.

· Society Pressure. Some of the talent is destroying in our society because they consider what people will say?What our parents will say?Some of the people don`t persue their talent because their family don`t appreciate their talent.

· Families responsibility. Some of them are lacking due to they are only one they have to raise their families.

· Proper guideline. Some of them belongs to very backword society.Where nobody is present who can help them for improving their talent.



My house maid child was drawing a sketch .when I see the sketch I was amazed It was beautiful .Than i realized they are talented but they are not utilizing due to lack of awareness and less resources.


· My Targets

1:I will open an institute where I will hire different experts e.g singing teacher,painter,Actorsetc

2:These teachers will teach them all the rules regarding their talent.Try to polish their skills and learn them how you can survive in this world with a owner.

3:Teachers will also give career counseling to those students.

Here are some examples of our diamonds


1:Start visiting backword Aeas.

2:Try to fInd talent from those societies.

3:Convince parents for allowing your children to join our institute.

4:Start to advertise on social media.

5:When my students will skilled they will give 30% of their first five income.



Misbah Zaidi
Misbah Zaidi

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