Pomodoro Technique
Time is precious.Time is money.But we never realized it when we waste it.We only realized when our deadline came near than panic attack starts.So,if we want to prevent ourselves from these panic attack than we should utilize all the time.We can utilize our time by pomodoro technique.Today i decide to prevent myself from all types of panic attacks.So,i decided i will complete my second online course which was assigned to me from amal academy.i set a timer for 25mintues.I did my work with full concentration until the timer rings.After ringing the timer i take a short break.I repeat this process 4times.I completed my 50% of online course.I cannot complete the whole course because it was lengthy.But one thing i realized i was never productive like this throughout my life.I realized i was learning very quickly because i thought i had to give 25mintues on one thing.It was not difficult for me because i was enjoying and i was feeling i am more productive.When i feel distracted i write it down on the page.Things realized me i will do this.I was not distracted.I was giving fully concentration on my work.That’s why i was absorbing things fastly.So,I decide i will apply this technique on daily basis in my every task.Because i realized by using these techniques i can be more productive and can learn more extra things.Sometimes we distracted from small things and leave our path but pomodorovtechnique teaches us how you can be on your path without distraction and can learn more productive things.